06 March 2009

How long before the President caves into his base on Afghanistan? « The right-wing liberal

My friend D.J. has been right on the button with his analysis of Barry O’s Afghan stance. He’s also been wrong. I fear that this will change soon. We’ve seen the Obamesiah cave to  the left on taxpayer funded abortions, we’ve seen him take the lead in the most massive wealth redistribution scheme in known history and we’ve seen the Administration make overtures to probably the second most corrupt regime (Iran) on the planet (behind North Korea.)

The only thing keeping Afghanistan from becoming as divisive as Iraq used to be is that Democrats aren\’t yet willing to challenge the president (who authorized 17,000 more troops sent there).

I’m afraid that Barry O is going to make concessions where none need to be made. I’m afraid he will be bullish where diplomacy needs to take primacy. The bottom line is that Barack Obama has so swiftly demonstrated his ineptness that he still has not completed his Cabinet(evidently, being a taxpayer is not a high priority for the High and Mighty one’s cabinet.) and the first significant foreign trip was made by the Secretary of State. My thought is that the foreign policy of the Obama administration will bear a remarkable Clintonesque flavor.

How long before the President caves into his base on Afghanistan? « The right-wing liberal

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